Curbs Plays Two Wingers - World Celebrates

In Iraq, Sunni and Shia militia stopped their civil war, shook hands and agreed to go for a pint. In North Korea, Kim Jong-Il admitted the news persuaded him that even the most obstinate leaders can change their minds, and agreed to fly to Washington immediately for talks with President Bush. And in Palestine, Hamas leaders joined their Israeli counterparts in a peace dance and admitted, "...what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours."
Breaking News: In Iraq, a Sunni militia took a closer look at the teamsheet, realised Bryan Hughes was still playing, and immediately blew himself up.
He picked 2 wingers as it was a 4-5-1, just like he picked 2 wingers at the start of the season. Its just like Euell taking Murphy's place.
Curbs won't play 2 wingers and 4-4-2 from the start of a match in a Premiership game.